Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Hey! How do I get in touch?

A: I'm on discord as nerd.parker and on Twitter @NerdParkerPDX. If what you wanted to talk about merits an email:

Q: What's the difference between a Private deck and an Unlisted deck?
A: A Private deck is visible only to you: if you send the link to someone else, they still can't see it. An Unlisted deck is visible to anybody with the link: swudb won't help with discoverability, but you can share it and edit it. A Published deck is locked in a moment in time - it's discoverable on swudb, but its name and card contents are locked in place. (You can still edit the description.)
Q: Hey! The price you're showing doesn't match what [insert store here] is listing it for.


  1. Ahem. Allow me to read from the footer: Card prices and promotional offers represent current estimates and/or market values provided by our affiliates. Absolutely no guarantee is made for any price information. See stores for final prices and details.
  2. Prices are cached for a while. If there's a lot of movement on the market, or last copy sold quite recently, swudb will be out of date. Always click through for up-to-the-minute pricing.