Dooku Exploit Store Tournament Winner

Count Dooku
Face of the Confederacy
Remnant Science Facility

Command AspectVigilance AspectVillainy Aspect
Total: 52 Cards


Deck Price: $131.61
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Draw Cards


Published November 14, 2024

Hi guys, I want to share with you my Dooku Exploit Store Tournament Winner (10 people).


Captain Rex/Command : 1-2 LOST --> I'm sure that this matchup is pretty winnable; I made an hourrendous missplay in game 3 which made me lose . Never forget to resource, especially if u have a turn 7 flip leader :C

Anakin Skywalker/Command : 2-0 WIN ---> I absolutely annihilated him. The board presence that you get by the droids and the fact that u can have by turn 2 multiple sentinels ( magna guard cost 1 if exploit a unit, then play lom pyke; easy 2 sentinels setup) made my opponent slow down, allowing me to have my base with a lot of hp left ( unfortunately, on the space arena in the early turns we lack of units choice). By turn 4 (a very important turn where u can play the Count Dooku from set 1 AT 5 Resources thanks to the exploit mechanic of Dooku leader, that will allow to defeat a unit with 4 or less hp, DOPE) game was set for me.

Chancellor Palpatine/Vigilance : 2-0 WIN ---> vs Anakin I tried to be in control of the board; Vs this control version of the Chancellor Palpatine I played extremely fast, ramping a lot (Ty superlaser technician + exploit, easy setup) trying to not get to the higher turns where Snoke and Avenger awaits.

That was my experience. Let me know what u think. A big downsight of this deck is the limitation of the playbale cards (These were the only separatist card i think were worth to play. The only change i would bring is 2x Grievous unit for the magna guard .



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