Falcon’s Dogma - Best Han Command

Han Solo
Audacious Smuggler
Echo Base

Command AspectCunning AspectHeroism Aspect
Total: 52 Cards


Deck Price: $247.13
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Published June 19, 2024

Final version I ended up with on Command Han Solo

Ended up dropping the droid package from my previous version in order to be able to go more aggressive with Greedo + Battlefield Marines.

This might be the most well rounded set 1 deck, but it is the hardest to pilot. There's a lot of decision points and if you misplay you get more punished than with other Leaders.

Early you want to play better units and out value your opponent throughout the game letting us get to our end game a round or two before our opponent. I really loved mercenary companies as an option on our flip turn if Han got exhausted and we couldn't push for big 7 resource turn. Having that solid 6 drop is still good.

I'm really excited for the evolution of this deck in set 2 and what smuggle does to cover Han's weaknesses even more (hand size).



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