Burn on a Budget ($11)

Sabine Wren
Galvanized Revolutionary
Catacombs of Cadera

Aggression AspectHeroism Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $7.32
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Published May 19, 2024

In the dark and dim catacombs on Jedha, the Rebel Alliance find themselves dealing with some severe budget cuts. Resources are scarce, and high-value cards like K2, For a Cause, and Red Three are simply out of reach. Yet, the fiery spirit of the Rebellion persists. In the damp tunnels, where every credit and card draw counts, a new strategy is born. The Rebel Alliance has devised a lean yet formidable deck—a testament to their tactical brilliance, proving that even on a shoestring budget, they can still challenge the meta Boba Fett and Blue-Black Villain decks.

Hello, this is my first deck description! This is Sabine Aggression for only $11 with no rares or legendaries. This is a cheap gift to get an apprehensive friend into the game!

Turn 1:

Benthic and SpecForce are weak here and are better turn 2. Always resource SpecForce if your opponent doesn't have sentinels. Your best play is either Sabine or A-Wing. If you have a space unit and ground unit, use leader ability first and arena dodge your opponents first unit.

Turn 2:

Wing Leader can provide safety for your turn 1 play, but risks giving your opponent a crippling Waylay or Traitorous. Fighters for Freedom forces your opponent to deal with it or suffer 3-4 damage the following turns. Fleet Lieutenant gives you good tempo going into…

Turn 3:

This is the most important round. If you've managed to keep at least two units on the board, you are in a good position. Open up the round with Rallying Cry, representing a potential 6-8 damage on base. Best case scenario, you can get three or four attacks off and play Medal Ceremony to ensure destruction on turn 4.

Turn 4-5:

By now you are hopefully looking at a minimum of 15 damage on your opponents base and can finish them off with your swarm and General Dodonna or an Attack Pod.

If you guys have any ideas for how to make the deck better without increasing the price much, let me know. Cheers!



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