Krennic Aggro

Director Krennic
Aspiring to Authority
Kestro City

Aggression AspectVigilance AspectVillainy Aspect
Total: 52 Cards


Deck Price: $116.36
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Draw Cards

by aymin

Published May 12, 2024

This deck is built to counter aggro, right now it's purely theoretical.

The idea turn one is to force choke their or pass and use any removal you've drawn to keep their board clear turn one. This will essentially cut off their best turn two units, wing leader and fleet Lieutenant. Keeping the opponent off the board is more important than us getting on it. From here we keep taking them of board while trying to keep vigilance cards in hand to drop a big childsen. We try to stabilise using the many sentinels we have with Krennics Restore ability to stay alive into the late game. From there we can stabilise until we hit our late game units, ideally a SLB into Avenger.

The sideboard is built to counter control, we take out most of our removal to put in hand control cards to keep advantage into the late game. Against Vader and Palpatine we hold SLB until they are deployed and then drop it. Big cards can be held onto early on in the control mirror as we aren't really afraid of base damage until the late game and we can comfortably use Search Your Feelings without lagging behind which is tough in the aggro match up.

Smoke and Cinders into Forced surrender can destroy many control decks.



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