Krzysztof Lekier - 8th place (4-3)

Sabine Wren
Galvanized Revolutionary
Chopper Base

Aggression AspectCunning AspectHeroism Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $151.36
Cards by Cost
Cards by Aspect
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Cards by Rarity

Draw Cards


Published May 02, 2024

EIGHTH PLACE in our STORE SHOWDOWN tournament (May 1, 2024), which was more serious than usual due to an additional prize for the winner in the form of a play set of Darth Vader, Commanding the First Legion cards (foil version).

53 players from all over Poland competed.


Boba/Lab - 13 <> Krennic/Lab - 6 <> Vader/Dagobah - 5 <> Vader/Capital - 3 <> Sabine/Lab - 3 <> Luke/Echo - 3 <> Vader/Lab - 2 <> Boba/Tower - 2 <> Leia/Takintown - 2 <> Boba/Kestro - 1 <> Jyn Erso/Kestro - 1 <> Leia/Catacombs - 1 <> Leia/Echo - 1 <> IG-88/Tarkintown - 1 <> Sabine/Chopper - 1 <> Iden/Lab - 1 <> Iden/Command - 1 <> Iden/Kestro - 1 <> Palp/Echo - 1 <> Chirrut/Tarkintown - 1 <> Han/Complex - 1 <> Tarkin/Capital - 1 <> Tarkin/Tarkintown - 1

Tournament structure

We played 6 rounds of the Swiss phase in Bo3 mode. Then the best 8 participants (Top8) started competing in the Single Elimination - Bo5 mode.

Top8 competition results


M. Wendowski (Boba/Lab) vs K. Lekier (Sabine/Chopper): 3-1

M. Marchwinski (Vader/Dagobah) vs R. Michalak (Krennic/Lab): 3-1

W. Buda (Iden/Kestro) vs R. Tarnowski (Krennic/Lab): 3-0

D. Gronowski (Krennic/Lab) vs M. Rus (Vader/Dagobah): 0-3


M. Wendowski (Boba/Lab) vs M. MarchwiƄski (Vader/Dagobah): 3-0

M. Rus (Vader/Dagobah) vs W. Buda (Iden/Kestro): 3-0


M. Rus (Vader/Dagobah) vs. M. Wendowski (Boba/Lab): 2-3

Lists of other Top 8 decks are also published on this website.

1st place : (Boba/Lab)

2nd place : (Vader/Dagobah)

3rd place : (Iden/Kestro)

4th place : (Vader/Dagobah)

5th place : (Krennic/Lab)

6th place : (Krennic/Lab)

7th place : (Krennic/Lab)

8th place : (Sabine/Chopper)



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