Command Vader

Darth Vader
Dark Lord of the Sith
Energy Conversion Lab

Aggression AspectCommand AspectVillainy Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $172.85
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Published April 06, 2024

This is the Approach to Vader Command i am most confidant in.

ECL seems risky with a 7 Cost Leader, but with Bombing Run and Reinforcement Walker Main Deck your G1 against Aggro is not unfavoured and closer to 50/50 than you would expect. If you respect aggro and use your ECL early and defensive you will find out you can reach Ressource and 8 more often than not. ECL ing an interceptor for a 2 for 1 will safe you more HP than the Basic Green Base provides. Consider to take initiative often to land good bombing runs and overwhelming barrages to safe hp to reach the double vader turn that usually swings the game into your favour. That being said, dont ressource an vader early until you draw a second one as the double vader turn is your haymaker and reason to play this deck. Even in the aggro match up. After Boarding, the vipers, additionell cellblock guard and bombing run give you an edge game two.



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