AD Jampot's 2 x Showdown Winning Lizard

Hunting His Prey
Energy Conversion Lab

Aggression AspectCommand AspectVillainy Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $192.25
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Published October 02, 2024

Sideboard published incorrectly Removed 2 Traitorous Added 2 Black Sun Starfighters

Alliance Dispatch Jampot:

I took down a 19 person Showdown at Alpha Games, and a 27 person Showdown at Athena Games with Bossk, going 14-1 in matches (7-1 at the 19, 7-0 at the 27) and the decks only differed slightly, with this being the middle ground. I wanted to give a little key tips list for deck on the main matchups as I do feel Bossk Green is a top contender and I don't feel abd sitting down opposite any of the meta decks with him. Will do a deck-tech video on the Alliance Dispatch channel also in the future and link here

What did I beat?

Boba Yellow

This is obviously a big one to beat in the current meta. I met Alliance Dispatcher Danny in the Top cut with this deck in both showdowns.

Key Tips

Don't be afraid to use your bounties, if they bounce them, it isn't the end of the world. You're trying to reach the end game where you are much stronger, so if they slow down to bounce their own cards, so be it (I know it feels bad, but you can't play super reserved against such an aggressive deck)

Plan ahead for Firespray. It's how Boba Yellow is most likely wanting to close out the game. If you have a Ruthless Raider in hand, keep it and ECL as long as possible. If you have Timely Intervention, even better. OB is the other obvious card I try to hold on to unless the board demands I use it. Of course, if the early game isn't going your way, don't sit on ECL too long until you're dead, it's a good way of triggering an early bounty if needs be.

Force Choke is another useful card in this match up, as it answers Boba Unit/ Toro, and also has saved me in games before just by throwing it into Boba when he flips, to make killing him with Bobas armour a lot easier.

Boba is more valuable than Bossk. Don't be afraid to trade leader for leader/ board on Turn 4. Your units are stronger later, you just need to get there.

All in all though, the key aim with this one is to survive. Hold your removal and Dark troopers until the most optimum moment, then after playing the deck for a while, you'll know when to pull the trigger and go forward

Sideboard: Bring in the Fang Fighters, Force Choke, and if they are particularly aggro, 1 top target. Take out some Resupplies, and some Death Marks

Sabine Green

Another frequent find at tournaments. Played against this int he finals of Athena, and the Semis of Alpha. This match up is a little nicer than the Boba Yellow which I'd say is 50:50.

Key Tips

Board control is the name of the game. Toro, Reputable Hunter and Punishing one are all great for ECL turn 2 into their turn 1 unit to just take control of the board. If you've bountied something turn 1, you're feeling very good.

Bounties - Use the right ones. Card draw isn't your friend here, and the ramp is only good if they've had a very slow start. You want BHQ to populate the board to trade with.

Force Choke - Just sit on it. If you draw it pre Sabine flip, just sit on it. Pass endlessly if you need to, just don't get Darksabered.

Sideboard: Bring in the Top Targets, the Force Choke, the Fang Fighters and the Black Suns. Take out Resupplies, some Mauls, then another top end card of your choosing. Double triggering Top target is borderline just a win.

Han2 Blue

The last of the top meta decks which I had to face, this was my opponent in the finals of Alpha Games, whom I'd also beaten in Swiss.

Key Tips

This matchup is a little more comfortable, as Han2 bringing in pre-damaged units is great for claiming bounties. You really need to push forward in this match up. Ramp is super good here, as you're trying to race against an early Luke.

Death Mark has been the MVP for me in this match up frequently, as Blue Han is quite slow, so if you can double claim for 4 cards, you've got a lot of time, and a lot of options, in the event you can't get the super aggressive BHQ start.

Double triggering BHQ is also a big aim in this match up, as Red/Blue hero just can't deal with multiple units when they come out that frequently so cheap.

Sideboard: These are new to the paper version of the deck, but bring in the Krayt or Vaders depending on how stalling game 1 went, as you don't want to be out of the runnings if you don't win early. I'd take out an IG11, and one form of ramp (your choosing)

These are the main 3 meta decks I faced, Qi'ra Green alluded me at both showdowns, so I'll maybe be able to provide an update on that match up in the future. I'll cover some other match-ups in the deck tech.

Underrated Cards

IG-11 - He is just one of those cards you cannot ignore when he's played against you. An ECL Demon as well.

Kylo Ren - Exactly the same reasoning as above. He forces a lot of initiative claims as nobody wants to take 8 to base.

Timely Intervention - Card is being used more and more and for good reason, alongside the two fellows above, it's a very very strong card to just sit on in your resources

Death Mark - Honestly, the MVP of the Alpha Games showdown for me, double triggering this card into any matchup but Aggro is arguably game defining. Drawing 4 cards, ending the turn and drawing 2 more cards just puts you in such a strong position.

Feel free to reach out to The Alliance Dispatch on Youtube or Facebook as well if you have any suggestions or opinions on the decks!



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