Win-A-Box Double Red Sabine

Sabine Wren
Galvanized Revolutionary

Aggression AspectHeroism Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $101.94
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Published April 15, 2024

I used this deck to win a win-a-box tournament on April 13th, 2024, going 5-0 and I believe not dropping a single game (though some were close!).

This is a very aggro build that uses Tarkintown to counter the ECL + Consortium StarViper combo, which is IMO a major obstacle for the more popular Command Sabine deck. Many players are now maindecking Consortium StarViper to counter Heroism's strong early space aggression, and Tarkintown seems like the best counter to StarViper.

Unlike the past versions I'd been playing, this build fields a bunch of Heroism cards in order to run For A Cause I Believe In with a higher hit percentage. While I liked the "non-FACIBI" version of the deck, For A Cause is just so good. I may experiment with dropping non-heroism count even further -- I'm currently thinking of replacing Benthic with R2-D2, perhaps with Saw over Dodonna maindeck and perhaps not.

It's important to note that managing initiative can be very relevant with this build. While Sabine's ability can be very good, you will likely often want to take initiative rather than using it. However, this depends on situational factors and you have to get a feel on when it is "safe" or "unsafe" to let your opponent have initiative. (In general, some builds do not have immediate threats while others do and you have to weigh risk vs. reward -- a similar principle also applies to whether you play cards that buff your units before attacking!)

The sideboard is "wrong" and should have Wolffe but I don't think I have three copies of Wolffe in real life yet. Overall I think there's still a lot of room for refinement in the board, it was sort of thrown together at the last minute.



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