PQ Winner Curitiba(BR)/ 2nd place on Swiss
Total: 52 Cards
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Published January 13, 2025
Recently I've been the finalist from the previous PQ here in Brazil and I'm so glad that I could win that PQ in Curitiba (BR)!
Please follow my channel www.youtube.com/@CantinaTCG, It's focused on the competitive gameplay and me and my friend Daniel Santana, which also got in top 8 in that PQ as Bossk blue are looking forward to improve it!
Swiss rounds went crazy since I lost the first round! I was lucky to play round 2 and 3 two matchups that I like to see when I play Han, mainly because I can play calmly searching for the pieces that I want and then rush the base. Round 4 I played aggainst Sabine and it's a match that i've been doing pretty well. Rounds 5,6 and 7 were thoughs since I played 2 mirror and one Cad TT, luckly I was able to beat all 3 of them and ensure 2nd place through the top cut (the first place was the guy I played aggainst on first round).
Round 1 - Rey TT (1-2) Round 2 - Palpatine1 yellow (2-0) Round 3 - Bossk blue (2-0) Round 4 - Sabine ECL (2-0) Round 5 - Han1 Yellow (2-0) Round 6 - Cad TT (2-0) Round 7 - Han1 Yellow (2-1)
TOP 8 Top8-Sabine ECL (2-0) Top 4- Han1 Yellow (2-1) Final - Cad TT (2-0)
In top 8, I knew almost all of the players, and I got paired aggainst a Sabine ECL. In the first game, I could beat my opponnent by cunning oh the Han's deploy turn, wich lead me to the get the first game. Game 2 was a tough match, on turn 3 I used Spark of Rebellion to get rid of Poe and the next turn I played Cunning not considering he could've drawn another Poe (wich he did), I guess at that point we were all tired from the 7 swiss rounds and my oponnent missplayed the target from the Poe's ambush, that way, I could get initiative and play my second cunning (lucky draws) and win the game.
Top4 was the most intense round in this PQ and probably from all my games in SWU. My oponnent was playing Han1 Yellow and game 1 I was absolutely destroyed, didn't get the pieces I needed in the early game and my oponnent's Qi'ra crushed me, leading him the first match. Second game I'm pretty sure my oponnent's heartbeat and mine were crazy (his smartwatch actually pointed he was having a stressfull day xD). Another game well handed by him, but I played Falcon on the first turn and it kept hitting him for 3 the whole match, on the final turn I had do claim initiave and hope he couldn't deal with my 5/5 falcon or win the game by having surprise strike or Hotshot, which whe didn't. Last game from this series we had like 3 minutes before it started, so we both knew it would lead us to the tiebreaker rules, it was such a beautiful match and the final turn was unbelievable. My oponnent's top deck was Falcon + surprise strike and mine was Leia and waylay, he had possibly the best top deck to win by having dealt the most damage in base, but I top decked the perfect answer for it. I won by dealing 19 damage on his base while mine had 17.
Final round went great for me, game 1 I could play DJ and prevent Cad from deploying and I also played spark, bodhi Rook and 2 cunnings, leaving my opponent's hand empty troughout the game. Second game I started agressively by playing falcon on turn 2 (didn't do it on turn 1 to avoid TT) and on my Han's deplyoy turn I was able to play a second falcon + cunning, leaving my oponnent with 2 remainning HP and 3 unit's to deal with. He ended up conceding the game.
That's it for today, hope you enjoy the list and be my guest to comment here!
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