2/9/2024- FA1TH's Mono Aggression Sabine

Sabine Wren
Galvanized Revolutionary

Aggression AspectHeroism Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $85.79
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Published February 09, 2024

Gameplay: https://youtu.be/5imHo5bslbs

This Mono Sabine Wren deck is designed to bring you opponents base to O HP as fast as possible . Sabine's leader side allows you to chip away at the base early and often and can help give you the reach to close out games that come down to the wire. Her unit side also helps in your goal going fast because she is the earliest leader to deploy so far in SWU at only 4 resources. Aggro is the name of the game for Red hero, and with powerful early units like A-Wing and Sabine and units that help provide reach with abilities that deal damage directly to base like Fighters for Freedom and K2-S0 you are able to put the pressure on your opponents to have to provide answers quickly or it will be too late. The second red aspect allows you play Aggression and Saw Gerrera without aspect petalites, which help round out your game plan by providing card draw, upgrade removal, extra attacks, or damage to their units or base. Keep fighting, heroic sacrifice and medal ceremony allow your units to either swing at their base more than once or hit harder. With Sabine, the base is the place to be in order to Outmaneuver your opponents.



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