Cassian Hero of the Rebellion

Cassian Andor
Dedicated to the Rebellion
Jedha City

Aggression AspectCunning AspectHeroism Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $133.80
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Published January 19, 2024

Heavily focusing on heroic units this deck aims to play fast and hard taking down the enemy base before yours goes down, For a Cause i Believe in will deal always 4 damage at opponent base, Heroic sacrifice with K-2SO is another possible combo for big damage and some end game bruiser Like Han e Mace if the game lasting long, Lando is another game closer. Have fun!

Sideboard (10) 3 SpecForce Soldier 3 Bamboozle 3 Spark of Rebellion 1 ⟡ General Dodonna, Massassi Group Commander



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