Stardust City

Jyn Erso
Resisting Oppression
Jedha City

Cunning AspectHeroism Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $153.67
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Draw Cards

by gosufox

Published March 21, 2024

This deck is actually alright!

This is a midrange deck that uses Jyns Action and Shoot first/disarm to take favorable trades early. All 4 cost and lower units are rebels and benefit heavily from Fleet Lieutenant, General Dodonna and Wing Leader. If you can keep the bodies on the table when these units arrive you are well set up.

Turn 5 is the big turn, that's when Jyn and Lando arrive together. You use Lando's ability to return 2 of your own resources to your hand, I like to make this a cunning and shoot first which I can use next turn.

Now you have hopefully survived against agro and can start hitting the base. I find control decks very easy at this stage as cunning can send a low cost unit back to hand and exhaust 2 more while you continue to hit base. Then Waylays and Asteroid Sanctuaries also stall out the big ticket high cost units.

At first this deck looks like it doesnt have any removal for agro decks but youll find cunning renders 3 units useless for that turn while you trade into them. Shoot first also helps a tonne in this regard.

There are so many good events for this deck that I really cant decide between the sideboard and whats in there currently.



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