The Doctor Will See You Now

Doctor Aphra
Rapacious Archaeologist
Remnant Science Facility

Cunning AspectVigilance AspectVillainy Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $195.89
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Published August 13, 2024

First of all credit to @TaketheInitiative-SWU on YouTube for the initial build. After struggling for over a month with building a Doctor Aphra / Command deck, he showed me the light. This is my variation!

The goal of this deck is to use control to mill your opponents with Vigilance and to use Restock and Bounty Hunter Crew to get as many uses out of Vigilance as you possibly can.

Early game Moisture Farmer, The Client and Twin Pod keep your base damage low. Bib allows you to play your removal cards fast and cheap and it also lowers the aspect penalty on Vigilance. Inferno helps with space defense and allows you to control your Aphra discard cards.

Childsen provides good defense against fast and stronger early units. Bounty Hunter Crew allows you to get back events you use or discard to keep control. Try to use the BHC ability for Vigilance and Restock if you can. Fennec is great for removing larger units.

Another key is to save as many removal cards as you can for space units. Frozen in Carbonite is great for space and for late game large units. Evacuate and Superlaser are clutch and will turn the late game in your favor. Especially with Bib getting them out early.

And then you have your big guns. Avenger alone can win you the game so make sure you don't resource him unless you have to. Snoke is nice because he can come out a turn before Avenger and kills smaller units and saves damage from larger units.

Try not to flip Aphra early. In fact, the later you can flip her the better. She is stronger, you have more card options in your discard, and she stops milling when she is in play.

Your endgame is key as you are milling your opponent. Make sure you have your Restocks and Vigilances in your discard or deck so you can run them over and over again and not run out of cards. With Vigilance the goal is to mill six and heal five every time, unless you need to use the 3 or less to remove a critical unit.

And last but not least, Search Your Feelings gets you the card you need when you need it. I usually take Vigilance, Restock, Avenger, Superlaser, or Rival's fall. It can also shuffle your deck if you restock key cards like Avenger or Vigilance.

For your sideboard, it's geared towards stopping ramp and aggro decks. They are tough against this deck, but can be beat. The Bazine and Regional Governor combo is great for neutralizing key opponent cards. And if you're playing aggro, take out a Superlaser and add another Evacuate.

Okay! Take the deck for a spin and let me know what you think! I would love your feedback!



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