Duku Invasion

Count Dooku
Face of the Confederacy
KCM Mining Facility

Aggression AspectCommand AspectVillainy Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $19.94
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Draw Cards

by bearsM8

Published October 23, 2024

Combo works like this

Duku + The Invisible Hand + a free Planetary Invasion + any other big unit still alive.

Resource 5 Have any unit on the board survive the turn

Resource 6 Exploit out The Invisible Hand with Duku.

Resource 7 Attack with your units, then make sure you have at least 6 droids, do this by exploiting out another The Invisible Hand with duku's ability, or playing Reprocess or Droid Deployment or any other card that makes at least 2 units. Then flip duku. Attack with duku. Now your Planetary Invasion has exploit 6 and is free. Exploit your 6 droids, Untap your leader, and your other 2 big boys and swing in. Hopefully you win now.

Other notable combos with Duku's ability

Play two 1 cost units turn 1. Turn 2 Exploit in Admiral Trench

Giving Count Dooku Exploit 3 to board wipe.

Droid Commando + Obedient Vanguard = 6 damage ambush for 2 mana total.



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