Vader Top 8 Athena Showdown

Darth Vader
Dark Lord of the Sith
Capital City

Aggression AspectVigilance AspectVillainy Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $216.76
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Draw Cards


Published May 19, 2024

The idea of the deck is similar to other Vader blue decks is to stall the opponent with removal and sentinel's until you can superlaser blast on 8 resource turn and then flip Vader and bring out your bigger units.

After playing this in a store showdown it fell against Leia and Palpatine but was able to pick up wins against 2x Boba green and Han solo. More bombing runs potentially needed for Leia match up. Was unlucky with Palp match, maybe more cards main deck would have helped deal with the mill.



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