Draw 'em Out

Pre Vizsla
Pursuing the Throne
Remote Village

Aggression AspectVigilance AspectVillainy Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $247.69
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Draw Cards


Published January 01, 2025

Wanted to try a controlling version of Pre Vizsla! Bossk Blue has been wreaking havoc on the competitive scene and I thought it was time for our favorite member of the Death Watch to have his turn.

This deck is mostly a traditional blue-red control build. Rather than going all in on drawing cards, strategic damage from Doctor Pershing, Death Mark, and I Am Your Father can snipe all of the pesky early units.

The reason I wanted to try this over Bossk is the flip turn. It's very possible to have 6 cards in hand (especially if your opponent let you draw with IAYF) to be a 6/6 saboteur on 5. That's great stats and combining that with Old Access Codes means you can one shot Jango and Quinlan on those flip turns. You lose out on the healing from Top Target and the ping ability of Bossk. But you gain a monster of a leader unit and the freedom in deck building to not rely on bounties to claim victory. (Remember Old Access Codes can be played on opponents' units for the card draw if you need the ping damage)

The late game is successfully clearing your opponents' board and killing them with all of your 6/6 units or Vigilance. Bossk added Merciless Contest with set 3 to have 6 copies of PotDS. With IAYF, you now have almost 9 single target removals in the main list. Open Fire can come in when needed but it's currently in the side board to try to help Childsen maximize its chance to be a 6/6. Bazine is a great late game tool to close out mill games. Hitting your opponents' Restock or late game bomb can clinch many games. And that late you're typically at 12 or more resources. Bazine for 6 doesn't hurt you too badly but is only used in this circumstance.



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