Oops All Ambush - v1

Fennec Shand
Honoring the Deal
Energy Conversion Lab

Command AspectCunning AspectHeroism Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $8.75
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Draw Cards


Published August 02, 2024

EDIT: NEW VERSION HERE! https://swudb.com/deck/mccaQyyhlwuJJ

Quite frankly, I couldn't find a single halfway decent Fennec deck published before this, so I'm publishing mine that has been doing pretty decently! And it's affordable, with the main deck minus ECL being all C/UC! (I've also tested it without ECL and it works fine that way too.)

This is a tempo aggro deck, with the goal to maximize the benefits of Ambush on units that don't usually get it. You want to use Ambush to win board presence and then swing at base as much as you can before your damaged units are defeated. This is done with three types of units here:

  • Good units that can also be, quite simply, better versions of other units when you tack on the ambush cost (e.g. Greedo with the Ambush cost is just a better Cloud Rider. Rogue Operative with the Ambush cost is just a better Modded Cohort).
  • Units with great On Attack effects, that you inconsistently get to use. Principled Outlaw is a fantastic response to an opponent's leader flip, being able to defeat one unit and exhaust the leader in one action. Sundari Peacekeepers gets guaranteed at least one opportunity to use its Raid 2 and Restore 2. Gamorrean Guard ambush and defeat, and very often live to tank a hit for Fennec.
  • Hilariously effective combos. You can protect the skies infinitely from light Rebel and Imperial fighters with Pirated Starfighter (pay for the Ambush, trigger it first, use the When Played to bounce the Pirated Starfighter back to hand). You can ambush with Fleet Lieutenant to defeat a 3 health sentinel, then use the When Played to attack with another Rebel with the way cleared.

Bonus Tips:

  • Don't feel the need to Ambush everything. You want to balance playing on curve and getting those really juicy Ambushes when they count.
  • Don't rush getting Fennec out. Wait until she's safest, or when you're confident you can get at least 4 damage out plus a couple good ambushes you wouldn't have gotten otherwise. Worst case, flip her to deal the final 4 to a base using Saboteur.

Side board is mostly for anti-control. Snapshot Reflexes is for Fennec when fighting other 4-power leaders. Kihraxz is great against Tarkin Yellow, as well as Boba's Firespray. Cartel Turncoat is great against Tarkin Yellow and against control (for more space pivot).

EDIT: Some considerations for further edits:

  • I've gone back and forth on Bamboozle versus Asteroid Sanctuary. The former is better to shut down Exp/Shield space threats like Medal Ceremony/Wing Leader boosts and Tarkin threats. The latter can help protect your own cheaper, more fragile units and keep them in the game longer. I'm starting to lean more towards Bamboozle.
  • I've also gone back and forth on Hotshot Heavy Blaster. Its smuggle availability is huge, but the super high presence of 4-power leaders still makes me favor Snapshot Reflexes' presence in the deck over it to protect Fennec.

EDIT2: I've now made some edits I'll be testing with this deck. Not sure which will stay, which will go, but it's a start. Main deck: -2 SHD Millennium Falcon -2 Freetown Backup -3 Asteroid Sanctuary +2 X-Wing +2 Spare The Target +3 Bamboozle

I originally had Spare The Target and Cartel Turncoat in there, but took them out later. Now I'm experimenting with them back in, except X-Wing instead of Cartel for Rebel synergy with FL (and no card draw. And they're both Turn 1 anyway). I'm gonna try Bamboozle instead of Asteroid Sanctuary--I think the payoff on the former happens a bit more consistently (I've found myself in quite a few situations where I use Asteroid Sanctuary only for the exhaust, or only for the shield. Rarely both at the same time, and that doesn't feel like I'm getting enough value).

New Sideboard: 1 Snapshot Reflexes (for 4-power leader matchups) 1 Spare the Target (for more bounces, or anti-sentinel, or upgrade hate) 2 Kihraxz (for Firespray) 2 Choose Sides (against soft/hard control) 2 The Marauder (against the Falcon. More consistent Ambush than Adelphi+ECL)



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