Scruffy Looking Wookie Herder 1.0 - TBZ T8 List

Han Solo
Audacious Smuggler
Echo Base

Command AspectCunning AspectHeroism Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $144.24
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Published May 13, 2024

Store showdown recap finished 4-1 after Swiss and lost in top 8 to Luke command. Was really happy with the list and how consistent it felt throughout the day. Here’s the event recap-

In the weeks leading up to the event, I was pretty set on Krennic command in the event due to my teammate Krysis, being really high on it and getting me hooked on the deck. Wednesday of last week I decided to try a build focused on recursion with home one, rogue squadron skirmisher, etc. after a message in the banish zone discord from Zach posting an all space Han list that got me intrigued. I spent some time with red and blue Han but had not played a green one yet. So I spent Wednesday Thursday and Friday jamming a bunch of games with Han Command, tweaked it a few times and got it to a spot where I thought it was consistent, and I had a good chance in the most other matchups. As of Saturday morning, I was still deciding between Krennic and Han, taking both sleeved decks with printed decklists, ultimately decided to play Han.

Round 1 This game was against Noah, who is playing Sabine Cunning. Game one I could not handle the space units fast enough and got too far behind and then end up losing game one. Game sided in syndicate lackey and took out some of the stuff I don’t really need for aggro, more effectively pretty sure I played a resupply and was able to get Sabine with a syndicate Lackey on deploy and took the game over from there. I don’t remember a whole lot about game three except for he didn’t draw too well it was close but I took game three and won my first match played the deck really tight. He was a great opponent and he ended up winning the whole event at the end of the day, congrats to him.

Round 2 Around two us up against a command chronic deck, which I am very familiar with since I’ve been planning the last couple weeks and I felt comfortable with into the matchup, which is the reason why ultimately decide to play it. Game one I opened with R2-D2 and C-3PO, which is the perfect start for the Honda into the control matches, I was able to keep my hand full was able to take game one. I don’t remember much about game two except for that I lost and then game three the big play for me a spark of rebellion that was well timed to pull Vader to take away his big play to turn the corner. This was another opponent that played his deck very well. I don’t think he made any mistakes on his end. It’s just really tight, Han just plays pretty well into the control matchup in my opinion. This opponent also made top eight and lost in the top eight round.

Round 3 Round three played against Cassian command. This one I took 2-0. Both games I was able to trade really effectively early game and once I got to the deploy, the games were pretty much over there. Cassian never really got the engine going, which is unfortunate because the list looked really cool.

Round 4 Round four I played into Palatine vigilance. I felt good into this matchup I felt, but I knew I had to play around the heavy removal and the stealing of units by Palp. Game one Palp never really drew any gas and I was able to push a bunch of damage to base too fast. Game two I didn’t draw that great and the avenger was the deciding factor for my opponent. He was able to remove a bunch of more effectively so I couldn’t protect my bigger units against avenger like I would. A lot more in again I’m pretty sure I had the R2 3PO, and Ezra, all getting cards and stuff off the top of my deck. I did waylay my own Han back to hand after the Palp deploy, so my opponent never got value out of the Palp deploy.

Round 5 Played against Sabine ECL. Lost this match 0-2. Neither game could I effectively trade with units early and just took way too much damage. I never could effectively trade units in either game and got steam roll pretty good.

So I finished Swiss at four and one with my loss being against 5-0 Sabine. I finished Swiss in third overall.

Top 8 Top 8 I was paired against a Luke command, I knew from my few days of testing that Luke was a problem for me to deal with. The shielding just makes it hard for me to trade because I do not run a lot of saboteur. Game one my opponent must’ve drawn really bad because I don’t remember them really playing any units and they scooped pretty early game one. game two I did not have one or I got steamrolled pretty bad too. My opponent at least damage that game had three shields on it there was a devotion and was getting a lot of healing from that and they also healed a bunch of damage from Redemption and the game ended with having 25 damage on their base when they swung for game. at one point my opponent had like 19 damage on base and healed all the way back down to like five. It was just way too much healing for me to deal with and I lost my top 8 match. my opponent ended up losing to the runner-up in top 4, my teammate handlebar who is playing Sabine command.

Overall, it was a great event. It was a lot of fun. I had a good time. I think everyone that played in the event had a good time. Was happy for my teammate Handlebar to finish in the top eight of the 1K last week and then be a finalist in the store showdown this week. He’s having a really good run .

There was another Han command in top random number gaming. Was there with a different version than mine in the top four congrats to him. I like the Han deck a lot. Top 8 was: Sabine Command Han Command Han Command Krennic Command Sabine Command - Runner Up Luke Command Boba Cunning Sabine Cunning - Winner

There are some some changes I’m gonna make to help some of the matchups but overall I think, hon’s pretty solid. I think he is a pretty high skill leader. There’s a lot of points you have to make with Han, so excited to see where he goes from here.

That’s gonna be it for this tournament recap congrats to everyone that made the champion. Thanks for stopping by and we will see you in the areas.



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