Cincinnati 1K Top Cut Han

Han Solo
Audacious Smuggler
Security Complex

Cunning AspectVigilance AspectHeroism Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $309.70
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Draw Cards

by Neebles

Published April 18, 2024

First time ever seeing a Han Blue deck, and it was at the latest Cincinnati 1K as a top cut deck! Reports show that the top 4 decks included 1 Boba Green, 2 Han Green, and this deck right here! Now they split the prizes apparently, but I do think this deck stacks up pretty nicely into those decks, maybe it could have went on to win the entire thing!

Han Blue is very interesting, as you get access to some amazing Blue Hero staples, mainly the Jedi/Force package in Yoda, Kanan, Obi-Wan and Luke, and paired with those units we also see a playset of Jedi Lightsabers. Giving turn one plays +3/+3 like R2 or an ARC-170 can be a huge tempo advantage going into the mid game, and also when put on the Jedis gives them amazing trade value by nerfing the defenders!

Where Han Greens optimal play line is rushing into a U-Wing on turn 4 and play out a Han Solo, or if youre playing Casino it could be anything, Han Blue utilizes the ability to play out great tempo plays early, like a Kanan or System Patrol on turn 2. One great play is rushing to 7 resources on turn 4 like you would when playing Green, and if you don't have a Han or Luke in hand, you can play out multiple cards in a turn, like a Kanan and strapping him up with a Jedi Lightsaber, making him a 7/8 on turn 4!



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