GI Sneaky trick

Grand Inquisitor
Hunting the Jedi
Jedha City

Aggression AspectCunning AspectVillainy Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $37.99
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Published May 07, 2024

The idea of the deck is to kill fast, but not let your opponent beats you too quick. For very aggro decks you want to use the tricks in the deck to slow your opponent, like a waylay or the asteroid sanctuary to exhaust a leader or a very big guy. The action of the base must be used very smart, wether to kill something annoying without sacrifice a unit, or to keep you alive one more turn. Once you deploy the leader you want to have the Seventh sister to attack 2 times and kill something on your opponent's side. If you get to put the fallen lightsaber into your GI or Seventh sister, or the Fifth brother you will be able to do several damage preparing a unit with your GI. Try to have something you can prepare with the GI in the 6 turn; use the GI to prepare something, attack and then deploy it to prepare something else again. Use the tricks to keep you alive and protect the key units; shield up your Boba, Seventh Sister or Fifth Brother with asteroid sanctuary. Use Sneak Attack wisely: good targets might be Emperor Palpatine if you need to clean up the table; the Ruthless Raider to hit hard the opponent base, or even the Seventh Sister if you're able to kill that turn.



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