Store Showdown Green Bine

Sabine Wren
Galvanized Revolutionary
Energy Conversion Lab

Aggression AspectCommand AspectHeroism Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $72.84
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Published May 20, 2024

Store Showdown Winner Sabine Match Report

I was able to take down a 20 person 4-round swiss with top 8 cut Store Showdown with this list.

Round 1 v Sabine Yellow 2-0

I began this match with Initiative, and had a great opener and was able to use two rebel assaults to maintain initiative. ECL was a Dodonna for tempo. Was able to Wing Leader Sabine and swing in for a clean win.

Game 2

+2 Zeb +3 Bright Hope -2 Battalion -3 Medal Ceremonies

I sided in Zebs for a couple Battalions and three bright hopes for Medal Ceremonies. I figured Zeb kills sabine anyways and can pick up another unit for tempo, and since I was fighting without initiative.

Luckily this hand was also good as I had a turn one a-wing or Sabine. I used ECL immediately to take out my opponent's Sabine and maintained tempo from there.

Round 2 v Sabine Green 2-0

Nothing changes much for the mirror match. Lost initiative roll but was able to use the ECL Sabine trick again to maintain tempo. I was able to pull off a nice Wing leader +Rebel Assault with Sabine leader and get my opponent in game one.

Game 2

+2 Zeb +3 Bright Hope -2 Battalion -3 Medal Ceremonies

Same sideboard plan for the real mirror. They used ECL early on a fleet lieutenant which caused a large tempo swing in their favor, but my own ECL on k2-S0 was enough to sneak out the win.

Round 3 v Boba Green 2-0

In game one I had an incredible start with all space into Boba Green. This is the main way sabine can win the fight, since Boba really wants to defeat units in the ground arena for the resource gain. It was a race I was able to win without even using ECL.

Game 2

+2 Admiral Ackbar -2 Medal Ceremony

In Game 2 I side in Ackbar to ping off shields from units and kill Greedo. Medal Ceremony isn't as good in this matchup so I trimmed 2 copies. I didn't see either this game. My notes deteriorate as time goes on through this tournament but I was able to ECL k2-so for value and get the win without as much dodging as game one, although I still prioritized space units.

Luke Blue 0-2

By this point I had already made top cut so this match was just for seeding. I got totally stomped by Shielded Echo base defenders and restored Arc-170 in game one.

Game 2

+3 Disabling Fang Fighters -3 Red Three

Sided in Fangs for shields and sided out Red 3 since I think it is the most situational three drop. I still got roasted this game so not sure what decision would have been better. This matchup feels REALLY BAD for Sabine.

Top 8

Krennic Blue 2-0

Opponent was on an interesting Krennic list with Devotions, Protectors, and Cargo Juggernauts which meant this should have been a tough fight. I was able to take him down with spec force soldiers impacting a lot of the sentinels he was able to play out. I would hold on to spec forces this game until there is an opportunity to get in for big damage.

Game 2

+3 Disabling Fang Fighters -3 Red Three

Seeing all the upgrades my opponent was playing and expecting more, I played the Fang Fighters and they were pretty good this match. I was just able to do enough damage before this rogue deck could turn the corner. FACIBI is a heck of a drug.

Boba Yellow 2-1

I was able to pull out game 1 with the initiative and used A-wing to great effect. I was able to find ALL THREE and MEDAL CEREMONY them which was hilarious.

Game 2

+2 Ackbar -2 Medal Ceremony

Using Ackbar here to ping Greedos again. Got Cunning'd 3 times in game 2 for a solid rout from my opponent.

Game 3

Sideboard was the same - Came down to my opponent not drawing Cunning on a critical turn and me having the ability to swing in. Very tight, close match.

Boba Green 2-1

Faced the same boba green I did in swiss. These matches were a blur because i was hella nervous. Sideboard was the same and I played pretty tight with A-wings and Wing leaders winning me the games I played.



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