Locals Winner Hera ECL

Hera Syndulla
Spectre Two
Energy Conversion Lab

Command AspectHeroism Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $66.50
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Draw Cards

by AkkoTCG

Published April 13, 2024

Hello! My name is Akko and I play a lot of TCGs including the One Piece card game. I chose to play Hera as Rebels is my favourite Star Wars show and Thrawn looks a lot more expensive.

Deckbuilding decisions: 1 Ackbar 2 Bright Hope as these are the ratios I have :( I would max these if I could. Ackbar in particular is crazy for swinging the board in your favour.

For my next iteration I am cutting the Resupply, I never played it. X-Wing and Wing Leader are also probably on the chopping block. Steadfast Battalion I'm also really unsure on in this because it wants to come out earlier, but it's a good card so I'm sticking with it for now.

I wish I had main decked APD and Strike True as I sided these in every game. I'll be looking at testing Karabast next time as well for additional removal.

Matchups: Boba (2/0) - I base raced and won. This decks turn 5 is utterly terrifying but your turn 6 is really strong if you can ECL the Ghost into Shielding Hera. Boba struggles with that combo I found.

Iden (2/0) - First game was really close. I managed to squeeze out enough damage with Rebel Assualt for the win. Then I sided in APD and used it to push myself out of health removal range, making this one a lot more one sided.

Andor (2/1) - Kinda like Sabine but not as good. My opponent played very well but I think if this was Sabine here, I lost. You need more restore and to ECL in Kanan into aggro in order to win. If Aggro gets Initiative, it's terrifying after knocking off your Star Vipers.

Will be updating my Hera journey in the future :)



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