Maindeck's Reanimator Kylo

Kylo Ren
Rash and Deadly
Energy Conversion Lab

Aggression AspectCommand AspectVillainy Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $271.70
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Published August 24, 2024

Here it is - Reanimator Kylo Ren!

This deck wants to play as a control deck most of the time - you don't take shots at their base until the game is well under control. Taking Initiative is often a greater priority, and good game sense and sequencing is absolutely clutch.

Unlike some other decks, but just like Sith relationships, there is little room for forgiveness here. You will be punished for misplays and you will have fewer cards to work with than other decks, and the cards you have will have to be resourced very smartly.

In exchange, this deck can clock Aggro decks, out-endgame control decks, and answer just about any threat a midrange deck can throw at you. It's got the tools it needs to win, and the combo of discarding a Palpatine and returning him to play on T5 without needing to spend turns ramping gives you a power spike in the midgame that can close the door on many decks. If the game goes late, Return becomes additional copies of your game-ending threats to help you go over the top of other control decks.

Kylo's ability looks like it's only good for pushing base damage, but the true power is in clearing HP thresholds to trade effectively with the opponent's units. Cards like Incinerator and Migs provide extra value to this +2/+0 pump, and it allows even smaller early game units to trade effectively with more powerful midrange threats.

Kylo's deploy side has one particular goal as well - trade with their units. Against Sabine, as a 4-deploy leader as well, he can buy you additional actions to bait out their Sabine play, and his Force trait allows you to sequence to hold up the one resource needed to Force Choke Sabine after she drops and before the Darksaber lands in her hands.

Nearly every card in this deck has the sole purpose of defeating something on board, and the combination of ECL and Timely Interventions lets you consistently ambush with powerful Ambush-users like Rukh and Kylo Ren even multiple times in a game.

Give it a try, and don't be afraid to explore the lines - this deck is stronger than people are willing to give it credit for. While it may not have the consistency or forgiveness to be a regular contender at PQs, it's much better than people will give it credit for if you are willing to invest the effort to learn the lines!

Good luck, and remember - the dark side of the Force is a path to many abilities that some consider unnatural!



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