MEAn GrEEn PalpatINE v8

Emperor Palpatine
Galactic Ruler
Echo Base

Command AspectVillainy Aspect
Total: 52 Cards


Deck Price: $261.26
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Draw Cards

by DidierG

Published April 10, 2024

Palpatine suffers from having the slowest deploy of any leader, giving him a serious disadvantage against aggro decks. The obvious answer is, play ramp (Super Laser DJ and Resupply), however Resupply is a fast track to a loss against aggro, and having only 3 ramp cards in deck means you won't see them in half of your games. That's where Command comes in.

Command takes a bad matchup and turns it into a 50-50. Choosing to give experience to Royal Guard or an Official (Yularen, Piett) and destroying a non-unique early game unit is enough to ride into the late game with ease.

This deck heavily leans on Palpatine creating a field advantage and goes wide with units. It plays a low number of events to always have units to trade, push damage, and draw/ping with Palp. It often takes the role of the aggressor from the opponent while using green's excellent removal to head into the 8 resource turn.

Once Palp is online, you shackle your opponent from playing any big unit. If they do, it's yours. If they don't, your superior field presence will win alone.

Motti is MVP here, with unique rule defeats and palp sacrificing , you can often push 15-25 damage in a single turn.



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