Doc Holliday’s Space Adventure 2.0

Cad Bane
He Who Needs No Introduction

Aggression AspectCunning AspectVillainy Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $171.57
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Published August 06, 2024

Updated build for Cad Bane with Tarkintown.

Cad Bane is my favorite Star Wars character so as soon as I saw him I knew I was a Cad Bane main. With Cad Bane's ability to ping a damage when he plays underworld cards he is a perfect leader to pair with tarkintown.

The main gameplan of this deck is to play and replay as many underworld card's as we can to get lots of base and unit ping dmg to overwhelm our opponents early units then take over and win in the midgame. So far this has played really well, we are able to control early against aggro decks then win in the midgame, then into control decks we can go wide enough to get under them.

Ideally we have two of our 1 drops in our hand so even if we go first we can play a card, hold the ping, play another, ping then tarkintown their round 1 play. Especially into aggro decks this can really slow them down.

The biggest changes from my earlier published version is I removed guild target and Dengar for Cloud Rider and Guavian Antagonizer

1 drops - Lady Proxima is great, she allows us to ping the base whenever we play an underworld card and with her 4 health she usually sticks around a few turns. Greedo is Greedo don't think I need to go any further there. Guavian Antagonizer I have added in place of Dengar, the saboteur and extra health have been really solid.

2 drops -Cartel Spacer Works really well for us here, it is an underworld card so we enable the ping plus the utility of exhausting enemy units. ** Kylo's Tie Interceptor** is a new addition and even though its not underworld have the 3/2 statline for 2 is really solid and into the red force decks we have some protection against force throw and pillage. Cloud Rider Is a card I was not too sure of at first but the more I play with it the more I like it, it ends up being a 4 -6 dmg play for 2 resources. Dr Evanzan is another really solid 2 drop option, the 3/3 with a shield is insane, plus he's underworld and we can usually control when our opponent gets the reset so we can play it so they get no value out of him, we get all the value.

3 drops- Boba Fett great unit, enables the ping and gets us to play a ready firespray late game to close. His ability is insane and he swings way above his weight class whenever he is on the board. Punishing One this card might be my new favorite space unit in the game. It has the same stats as the Falcon, but whenever you an enemy unit with an upgrade is defeated, this includes shield tokens, xp tokens, bounties, weapons, armor, etc... we can ready our ship to smash another 3 dmg in there. Great unit super happy with how it has played so far. ** Toro Calican** is a really good add here, if we play on curve our 4 and 5 drops will be bounty hunter's so there's some good potential for resets, He isn't underworld so that's why he's in as a 2 of as Boba Fett is the better play for us on 3.

4 drops - Gamorrean Guards giving us access to sentinels is great to slow down the aggro decks plus they are underworld so KICKERS. *4-LOM is a great addition to the game, he has decent stats, is underworld, has ambush and combo's with Zuckuss.

5 drops- Zuckuss is an amazing unit, he's a 6/6 for 6 with saboteur but is amazing when combo'd with 4-lom because then he's a 7/7 with ambush and saboteur, huge swing in the game when you get the combo off.

6 drops -Xanadu Blood This thing is pretty scary, it allows us to recycle some cheap units to get more ping dmg in and it has the amazing utility of being able to exhaust units OR resources, and I cannot articulate how awesome it is to be able to exhaust enemy resources, being able to slow down opponents like that and make them play under curve is bonkers. Plus it hits for 6! powerhouse space unit.

7 drops - ** Fennec Shand** is an awesome new card that really smoothes out the top of the curve and allows us to snipe units we shouldn't be able to touch and close out games. Really solid into Snoke.

Event Package - 3 copiesMa Klounkee This card is so clutch and really makes the deck hum right along, 3 dmg to any unit plus its an underworld card so we can ping base and a unit, this one cost event is dealing 5 total dmg which is absolutely insane. 2 copies No Good to Me Dead Is just a super solid card that allows us to put a good bomb unit or leader on ice for 2 turns which is a huge setback for our opponent. Relentless Pursuit as a 3 of is pretty nice here since we are heavy on bounty hunters, being able to capture an impactful unit AND shield our Boba Fett, 4-LOM, Zuckuss or Cad Bane leader is really powerful.

Upgrades - 2 copies Hotshot DL-44 Blaster* Gives us reach we can smuggle or we can play from hand for 1 so it is pretty flexible for us but is really solid to play on the cad deploy turn to close the game out. We also have 2 copies of Frozen in carbonite This lets us not have to deal with some problematic units we could not deal with otherwise.

Sideboard - ** Bazine Netal** we have 2 copies of, she's an underworld card to trigger our pings and can be a huge pain for our opponents to have us rip cards from their hand and put them turns behind, looking to add this in against U wing decks and control decks most times. 2 copies of Power Failure We are seeing more and more upgrades with bounties and the mandalorian stuff coming so we need to have options to remove those things. 2 of Disabling Fang Fighter we also have 3 of for the same reason as power failure. Daring Raid Is a flexible event we can add if we need to remove more units or push a little dmg to base from hand. Pillage is a great add into control decks so we can rip their stuff out of their hand.



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