Tacoma 1k Top 8 - Iden/Green

Iden Versio
Inferno Squad Commander
Energy Conversion Lab

Command AspectVigilance AspectVillainy Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $117.15
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Draw Cards


Published March 31, 2024

If you want something that can beat Boba, this is it. Also beats Sabine. I ended up losing to Luke/Green in the top 8, was also my only loss in swiss.

Some weird card choices explained:

  1. I only ran 1 Vader because I only own one. If you have 3 I'd switch 2 Dookus for the other 2 Vaders.
  2. Waylay is in the side board for exactly change of heart on your big ship. Lost too many games to that card.
  3. Takedown is only in the sideboard because I wanted to pre-board for Boba, and you want Make an Opening and Vanquish instead in that matchup.



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