Dhaus, I’m so Sorry!

Iden Versio
Inferno Squad Commander

Aggression AspectVigilance AspectVillainy Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $191.60
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Published March 21, 2024

This is my list for Iden I've been running. I love Tarkintown and it has saved me so many times to kill that pesky unit that can do the most. The only real issue is sometimes getting damage to their space units but we have creative ways to deal with that. Iden naturally plays really well against aggressive lists. The healing she naturally has on her leader ability combined with lots of removal and units that can make favorable trades means she can withstand the pressure from those decks and come over the top for some wins.

Death Star Stormtrooper and Viper Probe Droid are included because 3 attack turn 1 plays are really powerful and trade into most options from your opponent. Death Trooper is a great tool to partner with Tarkintown for some of their midgame units. Entrenched is another great tool in control decks to either buff your units to 6 attack or stop a grit or high attack unit from hitting your base.

The other weird inclusions are a single copy of force throw and lightning. You have a lot of force units in this list but Iden isn't a force leader. Therefore, it's not always the most consistent to have that on board to get the full effect of these events. However, a single copy of each means your opponent has to play around them. Fifth brother on 3 is great to have force lightning come down against an aggressive leader! And then only 2 copies of Dooku because you already have so many events that deal with 4 health units. But having that effect attached to a strong, shielded unit is still worth a couple copies.

So before any pitchforks are grabbed... Mill is ONLY the win condition against other control decks. Aggression Iden is phenomenal at seeing a threat, then killing that threat and healing up any leaked damage in the process. But control games can often come down to who has the last threat at the end of the game. 3 copies of Vigilance changes the game from you all each playing 50 cards to you having 50 and your opponent playing at 32. The rest of the sideboard slots in as well (Feel free to tech out the early plays you don't think are necessary) to handle larger threats from your opponent. Avenger and Vanquish handles the cards that midrange damage just can't quite reach. You could potentially win some control games with your more expensive units but more often than not it's playing slow, killing their board, and forcing them to play into you and just killing everything coming your way.

Mill isn't always the most fun win condition in games (Just ask Dhaus), but when you play a deck that prevents your opponent from "doing the thing", it's a really strong way to force them to try. Good luck out there with this kind of power!



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