IG-88 - Not a Nurse v3

Ruthless Bounty Hunter
Energy Conversion Lab

Aggression AspectCommand AspectVillainy Aspect
Total: 51 Cards


Deck Price: $38.80
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Published April 09, 2024

V4 available here : https://swudb.com/deck/view/wgaLuFCf

This deck is all about kicking the door and blasting everyone and everything with one gun in each hand IG Style.

You want to mulligan if your hand doesn't have

Prio 1 : one or two 1 drop, 1 super laser technician Prio 2 : No good to me dead

Yeah I know : No steadbattallion with ECL? What did that Kiwii Smoke.

Well, given that turn six you want to be done (sometimes turn 5), No Good to me Dead is plenty enough for that :

  • Cheaper 4 vs 5 on steadfast Batt'
  • You don't use ECL Epic power ^^

So Why ECL? The main point is to by turn 2 or 3 to trade (by priority 2hp unit > shield > any unit) to put it as a ressource. Which mean IG will arrive by turn 3 (ressource 4), that's the kicking up the door part.

Any other Supertechnician can go to ressource once you used one, you won't need them they are are for probabilities.

You wan't to swarm obivously, try to have as much unit on the board and use unit as benthic as decoy. Either he brings fire on him, or he survives and boost IG. Win Win situation.

Force Lighting / Precision Fire are here to just don't care about any sentinel. Overwhelming barrage has two goal : save IG from takedown and clean the board.

Emperor's legions is here for obvious reasons.

Sideboard is here to cover for control :

Resilient : for three you can boost IG to resist takedown (>5 pv). POwer failure and disabling Fang for Shield Leaders. Relentless for Blue and yellow event abusers.

Been getting good result so far and it goes toe to toe with the Leia/sabine I fought against.



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