Surrounded by Fear and Defeated Units

Darth Vader
Dark Lord of the Sith
Dagobah Swamp

Aggression AspectVigilance AspectVillainy Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $92.30
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Published April 06, 2024

Inspired by Suazodev’s PAIN CONTROL VADER

Win Conditions:

Utilizing Force units and lightsabers to overwhelm our opponents bases and units.


Break our opponents defenses with “burn” or “removal” events to stabilize and eventually control the game until Vader enters on Turn 6. This deck relies on buffing ground units while our space units come online turn 3 with the ability to ping damage space units much bigger than themselves.

Resourcing and action structure is extremely important to plan out when piloting this deck. Our game plan will most likely be outpaced by green ramp or aggro decks, but we will be relying on our events and Vader to sling damage prioritizing units that haven’t attacked or whittling down larger units for our removal effects.

Early Game: Starting Hands, Mulligans, Resourcing

Prioritize hands Guardians of the Whills , Light Sabers, and burn/removal that cares about force users.

Mulligans are reserved for when we get large cost units, or no units. Use the first game in a Best of Three (or just your local meta) to determine what your opponents early to mid game looks like and how should we best stabilize.

Resourcing is still relatively new to me but my recommendation is repeats outside of our upgrades and low cost units should be resourced. Try not to resource an Avenger, Force Lightning, or Super Laser Blast since this deck only one of these and are our big swing to stabilize cards (Curve: Turn 7, Whenever, Turn 8)



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