Case Tournament Win Endless Comics

Leia Organa
Alliance General

Aggression AspectCommand AspectHeroism Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $107.66
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Draw Cards

by Envert

Published April 08, 2024

This was the deck I brought to Endless Comics to win the case tournament.

My Matchups: Sabine Vader Boba Boba Boba

. This deck is very fast and very strong. There are different ways to play every matchup and I am not listing it all here. If you are interested in learning how to pilot the deck to %100 and win your locals you can add me on discord.

I did not need to sideboard the entire tournament. The sideboard is mainly for control matchups.

I did change the sideboard after the tournament after a bit of testing with Windu instead of Zeb.

Brief Description:

Echo base is one card that bobas have a hard time dealing with if you get ground early because they want to kill your leia asap. so if you can shove ground units and get your experience tokens on them and keep board while pushing damage thats what you want to do. But be weary of Waylay as you can insta lose if you get greedy and wingleader a unit and he waylays it. Try to save wingleader for Leia. /// Turn -1 Awing turn or Sabine Turn 2 - Fighters for freedom or echo - Turn 3 - k2 or another 3 drop Turn 4 you always want to start with initiative. You use Leia ability if you have units then flip leia wing leader plus 2 drop. Never resource For A Cause as its your out.



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