Rampin' han Gaib v0.1

Han Solo
Worth the Risk
Echo Base

Aggression AspectCommand AspectHeroism Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $269.22
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Published June 21, 2024

That’s the first iteration of a Han Solo red/green ramping deck. There are several options for ramps:

  • On turn 1 you can Han-kill 1R SpecForce Soldier for free and then use Spark of Hope for 2R
  • Resupply, obviously, but it’s on turn 2
  • You can Han-play out of aspect 5R Superlaser Tech for 4R and get to instant 1/5 (and go out with Han and even give him a blaster)
  • Marauder is tricky with other units but.. it can be played on other Marauder to get the first one as resource

General idea is to ramp quickly to the 8R and Dracarys! Burn cards with Poe and use Black One can look for them dragons if needed.

Deck got many issues - aggro enemies going wide, with shields etc, but it’s real FUN to play regardless! Can’t wait for the full set.


Sideboard is made for Karabast testing - not all cards are yet coded (you can switch Battlefield Marines with Cassians and Home Ones with Aquitens)



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