[L8NG] Quinlan TT - "Who's the Vos?" Madison Tournament Winner 12/7/24

Quinlan Vos
Sticking the Landing

Aggression AspectCunning AspectHeroism Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $141.37
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Draw Cards

by Loopee

Published December 09, 2024

This is the Quinlan Vos Tarkintown list that won the Misty Mountain Win a Case tournament held on December 7, 2024 in Madison, WI. It features an aggressive package or rebel units paired with Quinlan, who pings to turn on Tarkintown while still inflicting damage. Deck went 4-1 in swiss (with the loss coming round 5 while guaranteed top 4 already) then won the event.

A full deck tech for this list. https://youtu.be/LH-0Kz6LnIk?si=OWgDEAmc3PRiPoK3

More tournament VODs available on L8 Night Gaming.

Questions just hop into L8 Night Gaming's discord and chat with our team. https://discord.gg/kC9zddGqeB



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