All I am surrounded by is fear, and dead men

Darth Vader
Dark Lord of the Sith
Energy Conversion Lab

Aggression AspectCommand AspectVillainy Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $167.90
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Draw Cards

by Brass

Published March 22, 2024

The goal is to trade early game as much as possible while finding time to ambush superlaser technician/play resupply.

Veers helps with trades with the experience pump, and Vader helps with trades because of leader ability. Pair this with lots of low cost villainy and aggression units with 3 damage, you should be able to use it often on first few turns to ping units and apply base pressure. Once turn 4-5 hits being able to deploy leader Vader AND Vader commanding the first legion (lucky draws willing lol) is usually enough to hammer the nail in the coffin. Late game characterized by huge damage; AOE thru overwhelming barrage and Palpatine, exp token, Vader's saber, and 97th legion which goes absolutely crazy late game.

Long live the Empire :)



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