Two ways to destroy a person

Grand Admiral Thrawn
Patient and Insightful
Jedha City

Cunning AspectVillainy Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $197.87
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Published March 13, 2024

First way - Exhaustion of the body

Thrawn believes in favorable positions, meticulous planning, and the perfect timing in everything. Take advantage of the free information provided to you each turn, always keep in mind the initiative, and save as much damage possible from exhausting the right unit at the right time. By bouncing, tapping, or just killing troublesome units, you'll be able to control both arenas with little resources spent. There are lots of synergies between the cards in this deck to make sure you'll always come up ahead in the late game.

Second way - Exhaustion of the mind

You don't need to be a Jedi to perform mind tricks. Having cards that reveal your opponent's hand and discarding annoying cards provides a huge advantage. Use all the information you have, bounce your own units for extra "when played" effects, wait for the right time for everything. Even a card like I Am Your Father can create havoc in the right circumstances.

Feel free to test it yourselves and let me know what you think in the comments below.

Thanks for reading! Balaviaris



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