Jyn - The Underworld Smuggler

Jyn Erso
Resisting Oppression
Jedha City

Cunning AspectHeroism Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $162.46
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Draw Cards

by gosufox

Published June 27, 2024

Ive been played Jyn exclusively since release. Check out the deck ive been using below (although I have made a few changes this is the core of it).


Now for Jyn - The Underworld Smugger!

The gameplan for this deck is simple, try to flood the space area with your sweet looking ships. You want to keep numbers advantage here and are happy to race to turn 6.

Waylay, Cunning and Outmaneuver will bounce/exhaust their ground area will you continue to ramp up in Space. Swoop down combined with Jyns ability can make for some super efficient trades.

Speaking of ramp, if you can get a couple of smuggling compartments on your ships then you'll be pseudo ramping a heap over the course of the game.

The path to victory is simply! Load up your Space arena, keep attacking base and stalling their ground arena (Outmaneuver are you kidding me?). Then on turn 5 or 6, Attack base with all units and play Final Showdown and attack again.

Any comments on how to make this deck better are greatly appreciated and I will keep you posted with feedback from my games!



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