Tarkin yell - 20okt - final build

Grand Moff Tarkin
Oversector Governor
Coronet City

Command AspectCunning AspectVillainy Aspect
Total: 54 Cards


Deck Price: $90.59
Cards by Cost
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Draw Cards


Published October 19, 2024

Preferred play:

Rush and stall with 2 and 3 drops while buffing them until 6 resources and find Tripple Dark Raid before then (with the help of Bounty Posting and/or Enticing Reward ) Then drop an 8 cost Walker or a capital ship ready Get in extra attacks with Frontline Shuttle and/or ambush with Timely Intervention or Piett

Use Bounty Posting to search for answers, and/or shuffle useful cards you had to put on the bottom back in the deck. Bounty Hunter's Quarry , Enticing Reward and Frontier Trader can search for the right tools (some one-offs) and gives you info on potential draws in future.

I cut most "ramp" cards on purpose so the deck has more pressure early game and enough 8 drops to find with Tripple Dark Raid If needed Price on Your Head and Superlaser Technician can be searched with the 7 "search" cards.

Comments & Sideboard tips are welcome!



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