Someone Has To Save Our Skins - Leia Red

Leia Organa
Alliance General
Catacombs of Cadera

Aggression AspectCommand AspectHeroism Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $92.71
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Draw Cards

by Mavrik

Published April 15, 2024

"Into the garbage chute, flyboy"

This is Leia taking things into her own hands. It has one goal - hit the base as quickly as possible with as many units as possible. This is done through optimizing action cheating and maintaining initiative. Leia wants to end things by turn 4/5 and no later than the start of 6. She is not worried about opponent creatures unless they have sentinel. She will almost always want to start the turn either attacking, playing a card that cheats an attack (Fleet Lieutenant/Rebel Assault), or using her Action. I like using a 30 health base - Tarkintown's epic action slows Leia down - better to keep higher health & take initiative. Also, this deck is optimized to be almost 100% rebel to ensure Leia's action, Rebel Assault, and For A Cause I Believe In will all land when played.

All Stars

  1. Leia Organa: Alliance General - She is the heart and soul of making this work. Have rebels on the board and have initiative? She is going to make the best use of them.
  2. Green Squadron A-Wing & Battlefield Marine - Both are great but when I have both options at turn 1, I prefer the A-Wing as space is harder to defend.
  3. Fleet Lieutenant - My favorite 2nd turn play when I don't start the game with initiative. Also great with a deployed Leia.
  4. K-2SO - At first I was underwhelmed but the more I play with him, the more he becomes a must play on Turn 3. Opponents hate to target him. Ideal 1st attack with Rebel Assault to clear a sentinel before Leia hits.
  5. Red 3 - The best damage amplifier unit.
  6. Rebel Assault - I try not to use this too early. Ideally drawn in round 3-5. Helps close things out. Absolutely bonkers in round 5 if you have Leia, K-2SO, and another 3 power with clear paths to the base.
  7. For A Cause I Believe In - The closer if/when you get board wiped or get stuck against sentinels. Leia can sometimes stall out with 3-4 base health left to go and this crosses the finish line.

Side Board -

  1. (2) Wolffe - In place of Sabine. For Saboteur & Heal stop. If I need him, I try to follow up with a Wing Leader to give him survivability & more punch. EDIT: Replace with (2) DISABLING FANG FIGHTER - Having a response to traitorous and entrenched is more important.
  2. (2) SpecForce Soldier - In place of Sabine. Specifically against blue sentinel decks with the intent on playing him on Turn 4/5 to free up Leia to attack base.
  3. (2) Admiral Ackbar - In place of FfFreedom typically. Leader killer if you have enough ground units out. Can also take out space sentinels if you have a heavy presence.
  4. (2) Mercenary Company - In place of Zeb, Wedge, or GAPod. Strong play at turn 5 for control heavy opponents. At the cost of sacrificing rebel uniformity.
  5. (2) U-Wing Reinforcement - In place of Medal Ceremony. For obvious reasons.

General thoughts -

  1. Many will play Steadfast Battalion in place of Zeb but without ECL, it is not as strong a play at Turn 5 and sacrifices rebel uniformity.
  2. I tried General Dodonna but he is a costly 4 drop and is targeted immediately. K-2SO at least punishes the opponent for doing that.
  3. IMO, when properly run, Leia Red consistently outruns Sabine due to the action cheating and consistent initiative.

“You came in that thing? You're braver than I thought!"



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