“When you understand a species art, you understand that species.”

Grand Admiral Thrawn
Patient and Insightful
Administrator's Tower

Cunning AspectVillainy Aspect
Total: 53 Cards


Deck Price: $59.24
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Draw Cards


Published May 12, 2024

“Thrawn smiled—a smile that sent a shiver up Pellaeon's back. "Why, the only puzzle worth solving, of course," the Grand Admiral said softly. "The complete, total, and utter destruction of the Rebellion.” ― Timothy Zahn, Heir to the Empire

This deck is made for Best Of 3 First game you most likely shall lose. yet it is a acceptable loss.

"No one is immune from failure. All have tasted the bitterness of defeat and disappointment. A warrior must not dwell on that failure, but must learn from it and continue on." - Thrawn

After first game loss. by using Thrawn's ability and your human ability to memorize and mentally record your opponents deck you should be able to understand how they play and then win. As you will then know what to discard, what to reveal and what to bounce back and prepare yourself correctly, as Thrawn's ability allows you to manipulate your deck and your enemies deck, as well as chose/limit what little knowledge they may have.

No sideboard due to the fact that this 53 card deck should be able to deal with what your opponent plays regardless of their sideboard, as most players build a sideboard to protect against Midrange, Agrro and Control. This deck on the other hand does not focus on any of those strategies. it runs by simply removing any threats and then planning accordingly.

“No battle plan can anticipate all contingencies. There are always unexpected factors including those stemming from the opponent's initiative. A battle must thus becomes a balance between plan and improvisation, between error and correction. It is a narrow line. But it is a line one's opponent must also walk. For all the balance of experience and cleverness, it is often the warrior who acts quickest who will prevail.” - Thrawn “Anyone can make an error, Ensign. But that error doesn’t become a mistake until you refuse to correct it.” -thrawn

Relentless is there simply for play against Removal/Control decks. as it will negate the first takedown/vanquish/superlaser/power of dark side they play that round, as well as for a 11 cost support it can immediately sacrifice itself to defeat an Avenger unit. or make a big dent in a Devastator, Big enough that a Seventh Fleet or Pirated can finish it off. same for Chimera

Chimera is great for blowing up base and keeping cards out of players hand. In a control match up you can just name a Superlaser or Avenger and get rid of it if your enemy is at 8+ resources regardless of if you know its in hand or not.

Due to the high amount of exhaust, you should be able to keep your units on the board and keep the enemies stuff asleep.

Rukh is removable, I just enjoy putting him there due to flavor (If you have read Timothy Zahn's Heir to the empire trilogy you will understand. :-). )

“You served too long under Lord Vader, Captain. I Have no qualms about accepting a useful idea merely because it wasn't my own. My position and ego are not at stake here.” - Thrawn Any thoughts/changes are welcome.



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