Sabine Green (1st Place @Starcity Games 1k Atlanta

Sabine Wren
Galvanized Revolutionary
Energy Conversion Lab

Aggression AspectCommand AspectHeroism Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $122.66
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Published April 15, 2024

I went 6-0 with this deck and we split on the finals. I came up first on Swiss

I played against: Boba/Green Boba/Yellow Boba/Green Palp/Blue Sabine/Yellow Vader/Blue

Some notes: Context is always important for conclusions but all these are for the most part.

All games were very close but the most difficult matches were against Sabine/Yellow and Vader/Blue.

U-Wing reinforcement was rarely board in. I think I only did it twice and I think I never played it.

Dodging lanes to increase damage speed is very efficient for this deck. Also, i never resourced FACIBI

Always go to base unless there's a unit with restore or sentinel and you don't have a saboteur unit.

Be very mindful of Villain blue and don't fall for attrition games or 2 for 1s. And always try to slow ramp on green deck by dodging Superlaser Technician

I hope all this help for any future Sabine player. If any questions just shoot



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