Never Tell Me The Odds

Han Solo
Audacious Smuggler
Energy Conversion Lab

Command AspectCunning AspectHeroism Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $99.51
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Draw Cards

by limao

Published March 18, 2024

You can swap ECL for 30hp green base if you want more survivability. If so, remove Steadfast Batallion for Mercenary Company.

For me, the Home One - Rogue Squadron Skirmisher idea is a bit too gimmicky to an already gimmick heavy deck but you might as well change some units to fit those.

The idea is simple, It's a fast midrange deck that wants to cast U-Wing Reinforcement as early as turn 3. You can do that by ramping with resupply on turn 2 and then, when you have 5 resources on turn 3, activate Han's ability, deploy him, attack with him (getting your seventh resource this way) and then dropping U-Wing to gain massive advantage (note that, without ramp, your opponent is with 4 resources when you do this).

Sideboard is just some good units that heal you to help against aggro and some tools to help stop your opponent disruption against control. Against other midranges you just aim to be faster and get the tempo before them to win.



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