Pulling the Strings

Chancellor Palpatine // Darth Sidious
Playing Both Sides
Remnant Science Facility

Cunning AspectVigilance AspectHeroism AspectVillainy Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $288.21
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Published October 21, 2024

Who needs a Leader unit?! The moment Palpatine/ Sidious was revealed my gears started spinning. This is, of course, an extremely early deck build but I think could work.

You need early heroic units on the field to start getting the ability rolling. That’s why there are so many turn one plays. Lothal insurgent is really just there as a unit that can trade on turn 2 and flip Palp. Once you flip the first time, the 2/2 clone trooper is your key for most of the rest of the game to keep things rolling.

Bazine and lom Pyke are solid units but their primary value comes from the smuggle ability to always have a villain card available to play to flip back to the heroic side.

For this list, I wanted to build a control shell similar to Boba1 blue but really lean in to Kuiil and Childsen. There’s 41 vigilance cards in the list for that reason to help Kuiil hit early and often to entice your opponent to kill it. And there’s so much card draw that Childsen is almost always a 5/5 or 6/6. Let me know your thoughts and if you’d change anything major!



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