Blue Palpatine combo v2

Emperor Palpatine
Galactic Ruler
Capital City

Command AspectVigilance AspectVillainy Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $405.07
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Published May 07, 2024

Hello there! I'm very excited to share this deck with y'all! After seeing pretty unexpected success at a 1k with a less refined version of this deck I decided to refine it some more! This deck is mostly a control deck. 90% of your cards control the board, or help you control the board. However, most of your cards are also "villainous". This allows you to ready them with Motti. However Motti's weakness is that they're overpriced and understatted and require more investment to get their effect. However, Vader can pull a Motti and a ISB agent out, allowing you to immediately kill Motti by revealing an event. Additionally, Palpatine can kill Motti, and can also steal damaged units giving your off color ISB agent a dual use! Once you hit the late game, you can either play a vader for 7, or pay 5 for the combo to attack with Avenger, relentless, or devastator twice in a turn, usually unexpectedly closing out the game early. You can also use Motti to attack twice with Palpatine because he himself is villainous (especially since they retconned the Yuuzhan Vong). The rest of your package is pretty much just control.

For sideboarding, it will heavily depend on your matchup. Aggro decks such as sabine green get stifled hard by make an opening and the Gladiator destroyer. The make an opening makes it harder for them to get through your units/kills their units. And the Gladiator can force them to make trades they don't want to.

Midrange decks are by far our best matchup. They are easily susceptible to spot removal, and lose their board presence relatively easily with some aggressive removal. That being said, Dooku can also help hammer home our advantage versus Boba Green by removing a key piece, being shielded, and not a good target to bounce.

Lastly the control mirror is something I've noticed the deck can struggle against. The combination of mass amounts of removal, and our inability to go hyper aggressive makes it hard to deal with these decks. However, the combo allows you to push damage out of pretty much nowhere. You also have access to vigilance to mill out your opponent if need be. We run restock in the sideboard to give us more time to kill our opponent as well.

A deck is never perfect, but this is one I take great pride in :) Any comments are much appreciated!

Thanks for your time



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