Rex Command - Store Showdown Winner

Captain Rex
Fighting for his Brothers
Droid Manufactory

Command AspectHeroism Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $172.52
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Published December 09, 2024

5-0 at my local store showdown!

Final version (for now) of my Rex Command list.

The main goal of the deck is to overwhelm your opponent with ground units while clogging up the space lane with Bright Hope.

Some of the interactions you should be looking for are:

  • Playing frontline attack shuttle turn 1, attack with it turn 2, generate a clone token or play a unit, and then use the action on attack shuttle to slam the exhausted unit into what ever they just played.

  • Turn 1 Unit, Attack, Make a Clone Token, Play Clone Deserter.

  • Play Command on turn 3, use the deal damage option to kill something you can't hit in the space lane and then put it into play as a resource to deploy Rex early and overwhelm your opponent.

  • Consider keeping your Timely Interventions in hand rather than automatically resourcing them and use them to Ambush out Aayla Secura or Shaak Ti for insane value.

  • Using Echo to discard Unit Rex to buff Leader Rex.

Some things to keep in mind.

  • Try not to resource your Restore units unless you have more in hand or in play, this deck can lose its grip on its base health very easily!

  • NEVER RESOURCE Admiral Ackbar, his enters play ability still happens even if you already control one and have to choose which one to keep.

  • Use Traitorous to take Sentinel units or Space units that are giving you trouble.

  • U-Wing Reinforcement is there to give your game state the final push it needs to win or to come back from a huge board wipe.

Notes for specific match ups:

Double Green Emperor Palpatine.

  • This one is an extremely tough match up. The name of the game is pressure pressure pressure. Never take passive turns, giving them opportunities to set up any board state or ramp for free is a death sentence. In the early game focus on going wide and taking out key targets like Poggle the Lesser and Colonel Yularen and be wary of Emperors Guards clogging up the ground lane. Their plan isn't to do a lot of early damage to your base so focus less on restore units and more on pure damage.

Blue Red Anakin.

  • Always attack into their units, if they get the opportunity to attack on their terms they will win every trade, don't let them keep anything! Kuiil is the number 1 target, destroy on sight. As you put more and more damage on their base get ready for the double Anakin swing. At 25 damage on their base, with a jedi lightsaber, they can attack for 24 damage in a single turn with Bravado! That kills us INSTANTLY! Either have a Sentinel unit ready or make sure your base is as close to 0 as possible or you will lose on the spot.

Jango Red.

  • Funny Enough this match up is a very even match for us, because they can only tap down 1 thing every turn with Jango's ability until he deploys, the main thing is to just control the options for what's available to tap down when it's your opponents action. If you are claiming correctly and attacking into tings first as well as keeping tokens on board they cannot keep up. The Triple Dark Raid variant is ALOT harder to deal with. Traitorous, Command and Bright Hope are our main tools here. Be careful not to take their Triple Dark Raid target with Traitorous!

Sabine Green.

  • Another relatively even match up. Keep plenty of Restore units available and take as many good unit trades as you can. A lot of times you will be trading actual units for their units and then making clone tokens to build up free damage or to distract your opponents damage focus. Traitorous is a god send in this match up, as well as Admiral Ackbar. If you can get past the Turn 3-5 phase of the game, you are usually in the clear. Just keep a level head and take your time choosing your trades.

I hope these tips are helpful! Please leave a comment if you find yourself enjoying the deck or if you find a more successful configurations of the list!



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