Big Sister Omega

Outcast Sergeant
Coronet City

Command AspectCunning AspectHeroism Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $170.91
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Draw Cards

by Nexion

Published July 30, 2024

Clone Force 99 The Bad Batch Call them what you want, this deck is all about them and the crazy stunts they pull off to complete their missions.

We are looking to ramp up fast to get hunter into play. A spark of hope, Resupply and Price on your head help us do so. one copy of Price on your head is in the sideboard though, because it sometimes feels kind of slow.

Coronet City unlocks the DJ/Tech-package allowing us to mess with the opponents ressources and ramping ourselves up further - temporary as it may be it buys us time to get our leader on the board.

In the most recent version I added some ground unit sentinels, as face deck often run us over. Echo Base defender and Chewbacca should help slow them down.

Finishers are Wrecker, Fennec, Han and the Falcon. Falcon can often be kept very safe, because you get to return it to your hand every turn.



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