Leia Rush Showdown Winner

Leia Organa
Alliance General
Catacombs of Cadera

Aggression AspectCommand AspectHeroism Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $73.68
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Draw Cards

by 151halo

Published October 13, 2024

Local Showdown Winner 6-0 150+ games on Karabast 60% Wins

General Idea is to hit a T1 play and keep units on the table, using Fleet LT to rush base damage. Use Leia ability every turn possible.

On the Leia flip turn, you typically want Dodonna or K2SO on the ground and Red Three or Awing in space. Leaving you to play flip, play Rebel Assault and swing with one unit, then Leia which lets you swing again with your 3rd unit on table. Send it all to the base for 12-16 damage in one swing.

Some notes about specific main deck cards

+Open Fire - Kylo or sentinel killer. It's rare I use it, but it has its moments.

+Cassian - As soon as you see him, resource him. Smuggle him out him after your opponent takes initiative for a readied unit.

+Bright Hope - For Firespray, Tie Phantom, and Fleet Defenders. I never bounce my card with its on play ability

+Traitorous - Use this when you are losing units to fast for base aggro. Its usually a "ok scoop" card for your opponent

+Guerilla Attack Pod - Basically always played ready and hits for more than 4 because Dodonna and/or Red Three should be on the table when played.

+Home One - The midrange savior. This card has won me the game several times after turn 7. No one expects it and with Leia, you can usually restore multiple times with her ability. ALWAYS play Fleet LT from the discard the on play ability of Home One (if able). Allows you to to attack with +2 and restore 1 immediately.

+Confiscate - I sideboarded this for a while but with the all the Boba/Sabine Green going around, you'll use it more often than not. This card is used against Bobas Armor and Sabines Darksaber. It is de-moralizing and people hate you for it. I love it.


*Specforce Soldier is here for sentinel players and still works with Leia. Especially if you see Rey, get ready to put these in and abandon Home One and Open Fire. See Power Failure below for an additional note on this.

*Precision Fire is immediate value against shielded targets. This one should be obvious on when to bring off the bench.

*Power Failure, somehow I only have one copy of this? If I could bring 2 of these I would and Id take out 1 specforce soldier. This card is for Tarkin Yellow, you'll thank me later.

*Fighters for Freedom are your answer to an aggressive Sabine player. I usually don't need them against Sabine, but it can help if you lose game 1 to bring them in.

*Takedown, this has been my biggest contention for this deck. Bossk, New Han, Qira, and Iden can prove difficult at times. This is for when the games drag out to long and you can't get Home One to work. I'm still testing this card. Fell the Dragon may be better here. Undecided atm.

If you made it this far,thanks for reading my write-up. Have a cookie 🍪



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