The best Nala?

Nala Se
Clone Engineer
Energy Conversion Lab

Command AspectVigilance AspectVillainy Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $170.61
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Draw Cards

by 8rot

Published November 16, 2024

Being able to access the clones is a great advantage for blue/green/villainy, giving it a strong early game, while still having OB/Potds/Maul/Snoke and not having to go full tribal.

The whole gameplan for the deck is to get to the late game by utilizing the clones in the early game. Being well-statted, they do a good job trading up the curve, being ECL/Timely targets, and in case the opponent does not play units to interact with, they can put some heavy pressure on the opponents base.

Depending on the matchup, you either want to trade early or get coordinate online for Hevy, who then becomes a real menace.

ECL: If possible, save ECL for the opponents leader flip. In this deck you have ECL targets that are able to one-shot every leader on their flip turn (side in Jesse against Sabine). Steadfast deals with every 7 health leader, Hevy with 6 Health and Wrecker could even one-shot Jabba with 12 health. The ARC kills Asajj and the list goes on…

A Malevolence on turn 4 while healing 4 from the exploited Clones can be a real backbreaker for a lot of decks as well.

I am considering putting in some Darksabers for the Nala flip, as she then would be an obnoxious 5/10.

Let me know of any improvements, I am excited to keep testing this list and tweaking it.



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