1/31/2024 - Dudeness's Aggression Han Solo

Han Solo
Audacious Smuggler

Aggression AspectCunning AspectHeroism Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $153.69
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Draw Cards


Published January 31, 2024

Gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3te790_JLPg

Description: So the plan here is just to ramp into 3 cost on turn 1, 4 cost on turn 2, etc. The ideal hand would be something like Falcon on turn 1. Followed up with a 4 drop the next turn into a 5 drop, and then refilling hand with Black One. And the benefit of ramping those other turns (assuming Falcon is still in play) is that you get a 'free' resource to pay the Falcon upkeep. Then just try to finish people off with For a Cause, Surprise Strike, or Heroic Sacrifice. This particular version is trying to leverage your units in space more than previous versions.



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