Cad Green

Cad Bane
He Who Needs No Introduction
Energy Conversion Lab

Command AspectCunning AspectVillainy Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $32.23
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Draw Cards


Published July 04, 2024

Hey All!

So I thought I would update you on my list. I have been testing this deck with some success against the newly approaching meta. My list as of now actually has more units and less events than the original. I will list the retractions first then additions following for your benefit.

  • 1 Doctor
  • 2 Jabba
  • 2 Bossk
  • 1 Maul
  • 3 Pirated Starfighter
  • 3 Shoot First
  • 1 No bargain
  • 1 Relentless Pursuit
  • 2 Waylay
  • 3 Crumb
  • 2 Bazine
  • 3 Boba
  • 2 Vader
  • 3 Cartel Spacer
  • 3 Surprise Strike

I will say that I am still on the fence between Pirated starfighter and Cartell spacer. I am back and forth on which I prefer, so pick which ever you like. Also, I put vader In because the deck cannnn struggle later on and this really helps balance the curve. I would maybe put walkers in the sideboard, but hey the set is technically not out as of the time of this writing. Let me know if you have any questions and I'll respond when I can.



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