Yellow Belly Smuggler

Han Solo
Worth the Risk
Coronet City

Aggression AspectCunning AspectHeroism Aspect
Total: 52 Cards


Deck Price: $156.13
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Draw Cards

by Kogssk

Published June 21, 2024

This is a hyper aggro Han. It's all about getting hard hitting units on the ground quick and just hitting base. Turn 1 your aim is to get a 3 drop on the board. Then, continue from there by dropping a 4 cost on turn 2 if you can. Then, try to drop Poe on turn 3. By turn 4 you could drop Wrecker and then it's basically game over! The waylays help get rid of sentinels, and the Daring Raids can just give that extra damage with some of the extra resources you'll have. Finally, Spark of the Rebellion is just a great card to remove some threats ahead of time.



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